
"Change your plate before it's too late" 

Many people don’t really think about what they are consuming, where it comes from, and how it effects our health and planetThe current global environmental issues we endure is heavily caused by the food industry, specifically companies that produce animal products. This along with the millions of Americans who are diagnosed with chronic illnesses, I want to provide a lifestyle that has been shown to reverse many of these common diseases. Being that the consumption and use of animal products occurs around the world daily, and within our communities, we must recognize and address this major issue at hand. Educating our society on this prevalent correlation between climate and diet, and ways to ethically incorporate healthier and sustainable alternatives into our daily diets 

Our mission at Nature's New Nook is to educate, guide, and encourage a plant-based lifestyle to those looking to improve their health while better the environment and prolonging sustainability.  The Basics of a Vegan Diet — International Food Information Council
